Friday, September 25, 2009

What a new Boutique??

Obviously I cant help it, but anytime I hear about any new stores, shops or boutiques opening up I have to make it in there. My girlfriend mentioned to me something about this boutique opening in Ft Lauderdale, so i went yesterday and checked it out.... And i can say that the owner has some great taste, when you first walk in you feel like you have entered a designer's store, why? you may ask... well, the cashier desk is not your typical retailer's layout, its a desk that is situated in the middle of the room (like a designers) so that its easier to interact with your clients. Brilliant idea, the garment pieces he has in his store are very well picked out, and his accessories I must say are of great taste and up on the trends. If you are by the beach anytime soon...well go in, and check it out for yourselves: Mimosa Boutique 3332 NE 33rd street, Ft Lauderdale... and what did i get when i went there?? I got a fabulous ring , and i love it!!! I definitely will be back there for more accessories :)


  1. You are fabulous thanks for Loving my Boutique, keep up the great work on your blog...I'm a fan!

  2. You are welcome in our store anytime...thanks!
